grave planting

Seasonal grave planting

Decorating graves with plants

Professional seasonal planting for spring, summer, autumn & winter

To ensure that a grave is a focal point all year round, I offer you typical plants for each season - starting with pansies or forget-me-nots in spring, through various types of begonias, fuchsias, asparagus and pilea in the summer months, to cold-resistant winter plants such as heather or chrysanthemums. The flowers and plants I use all come from Pflanzen Kölle Unterhaching at no extra charge.

Feel free to discuss your planting wishes with me in a personal conversation!

Some graves are in full sun in the summer.pelargoniumsfeel very comfortable in such locations and can - depending on the variety - be planted in bowls or directly on the grave. Delicate, white-flowering magic snow, aspurge plant, complements the picture and provides some lightness - the variety ′Diamond Frost′, for example, has proven itself.

"It is not possible to do without care," but there are possibilities and I have ways to reduce the burden on those left behind. Robust, slow-growing perennials such asChristian- andLenten rosesor Bleeding Heart andwoody plants that remain compact, do not require much work. It is sensible to have asevergreen plant coverwithground cover plants. It also protects the soil from drying out. I would be happy to advise you on this.

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